30 Day 1:1 Programme
Daily emails and FOUR x 1:1 Zoom Coaching Sessions through February
Alcohol Free February - How about it?
Have you tried Dry January?
If you have, perhaps it:
- felt like a good reset
And now you're ready for MORE, but:
You need a cheerleader, a champion, a guide on the side to see you through this next month?
How about 30 days of 1:1 coaching?
You will get a DAILY email from me starting on 1st February right through to the end of the month... there will be wisdom, insight, tools, tips, actions to take, stories... much compassion, kindness and cheerleading with a sprinkle of
In addition to the daily emails, you will have FOUR one hour 1:1 zoom coaching sessions with me, one a week for the four weeks of February.
Click below to buy and I'll send you my calendar with lots of available dates for you to book our first session together.
The programme of daily emails and four zoom sessions is designed to be LIFE CHANGING!
This whole programme is £447
Pay today and get started tomorrow
I'm Sarah and I decided to go alcohol free as a little life experiment in 2019 and haven't looked back.
I have spent the last 15 years coaching and mentoring people who've struggled with their addictions and mental health, I know that choosing to change your relationship with alcohol before you hit rock bottom is a powerful and positive choice to make.
I am passionate about spreading the message that our lives can be joyful and fun on the other side of our drinking careers and a bit of support can make all the difference to how we feel about alcohol and the role it has been playing in our lives.
I'm a coach, mentor, trainer, public speaker, writer, podcast host and best-selling author.
See you on the INSIDE!
Any questions?
Drop me an email at sarah@drinklesslivebetter.com
© Copyright Drink Less; Live Better 2025. All Rights Reserved